Blessed Assurance: Foundational Truths of the Christian Life
You Can Know That You Are Saved!
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life…” - I John 5:13
These ancient words written by the Apostle John are among the most encouraging words in the Bible. It is obvious by them that God wants you to know that ye know that ye know that you do possess the gift of eternal life
Who Needs to Know This?
There are three classes of people who need this knowledge;
1. Those whom the Bible describes as “lost” in their sin. These are those who have never been born again. They desperately need to enjoy the certainty of eternal life.
2. Those who have been recently born again. These are “new babes” and need the foundation of certainty provided by this knowledge.
3. Those who are born again in Christ, but for various reasons have come to doubt the certainty of it.
It is to these people I dedicate this book. It my prayer that you will gain the certainty of eternal salvation and enjoy the peace that it brings.
If questions arise in your reading, I encourage you to seek out your pastor or another wise spiritual counselor for answers. God does not desire you to be in doubt but to have life more abundantly through the certainty of your eternal salvation.