Meet The Director

Jim Binney was born in Dallas, TX in 1945 and spent his childhood in a pastor’s home. The family moved to a farm in Indiana where as a teenager he ran away from home. He was encouraged to enroll in Bob Jones Academy, a Christian boarding school where at the age of sixteen, he trusted Christ as his Savior. He then served in the U.S. Navy for four years as a chaplain’s assistant and Hospital Corpsman (medic). Following his discharge he completed his undergraduate education and entered the pastorate, pastoring three different churches in Massachusetts, Michigan, and North Carolina. During this time he founded one Christian school and directed another. He also completed his studies for a D.Min. degree. He has been involved in higher education in Christian colleges and universities while chairing the graduate division of biblical counseling at one of them and the undergraduate program at another. He has also served as Director of Counseling and Discipleship in a local church. In 1989 he founded L.E.A.D. Ministries and for twenty one years was its director. During that time he was privileged to counsel hundreds of full time Christian workers and wives.
He enjoys a widespread ministry of conference speaking both at home and abroad and has authored several books and penned articles for various Christian magazines, while also serving as editor of a counseling journal. He also hosts a daily radio broadcast currently heard over nine stations in U.S. the Caribbean, and the Philippines.
Following the 2009 death of his wife, God led Him to marry a lovely Filipino widow named Maria. They currently serve as missionaries to the Filipino people out of their home in Tagaytay City.